Beauty Equipment
Modern Beauty Salon offers a wide range of treatments by our well-trained beauty therapists. Our beauty consultants review customers' usage regularly and recommend suitable treatments to our customers. We also customize specific treatments according to the needs of our VIP customers. Our senior management closely monitors the latest trends of beauty industry and acquires state-of-the-art beauty machines in order to maintain a pipeline of new treatments.
SonicRF以4MHz RF極速將皮膚底層升溫,能量達致表皮層及真皮層,熱能把皮膚的膠原蛋白收縮,繼而出現的提升是 因熱能破壞而觸發的創傷癒合機制,從而製造新的膠原蛋白,填充面部、眼部凹陷位置,並改善法令紋、缺水紋、毛孔粗大、皮膚鬆弛、眼紋、黑眼圈等問題。